The project shown in this entry is for final year project of "Master Appraisal, Repair and Intervention Building" organized by the Universidad de Sevilla, MA I was doing the past year. The project was a work with other partners Master's also a eq uipo consisting of architects and engineers: Oscar Carvajal Barrionuevo, José Antonio Fernández Fernández, Jesús García Trejo, Javier Jimenez Lara, Joaquin Aguilar Navarrete and Snezana Smileva .
First sketch
The purpose of this work is the repair of a body built originally intended to shop locomotives in the premises of RENFE in San Bernardo. The technical criteria performance will be conditioned by the need to adjust the space available to applications under a Temporary Exhibition Hall.
We found a place that has gradually been being devoured by the voracious piranha capitalism, where their survivors have been becoming "broken toys", promoting the site as an area of \u200b\u200bmarginalization and neglect, in a "desert island" unconnected with the rest of the city without appropriate relationships.
performance limits derived from the condition of listed building, are keeping the brick walls, the restoration of all stone elements, the structural system and the distribution of voids.
plant Sketch
The type of program chosen requires the provision of a mezzanine, the organization of a space in basement with a crawl space, café, information and control exhibition spaces, targeting the upper floor entirely to exhibition and administrative service areas.
Sketch of possible covers
interior sections and computer graphics
Sketch inside view
This Input wanted pictures to show you a summary of this type of academic work, in most cases, once completed and evaluated, are forgotten in some drawer at the university. Just as I encourage all those who have media like this blog, for posting, sharing with the rest of the people that at some point they may be interested
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