Sunday, November 28, 2010

List Of Animals With Eye Shine

Poring, poporingg, popoporingg, popopopopoporinngg

Here we present two new creations, the forerunners of others to come ..
Who wants to give them a home? : D Adóptalos! ^ ^

And, the first cap Guatdefak!

Wedding Mandap Rental


The project shown in this entry is for final year project of "Master Appraisal, Repair and Intervention Building" organized by the Universidad de Sevilla, MA I was doing the past year. The project was a work with other partners Master's also a eq uipo consisting of architects and engineers: Oscar Carvajal Barrionuevo, José Antonio Fernández Fernández, Jesús García Trejo, Javier Jimenez Lara, Joaquin Aguilar Navarrete and Snezana Smileva .
First sketch

The purpose of this work is the repair of a body built originally intended to shop locomotives in the premises of RENFE in San Bernardo. The technical criteria performance will be conditioned by the need to adjust the space available to applications under a Temporary Exhibition Hall.

Current Status of the building
We found a place that has gradually been being devoured by the voracious piranha capitalism, where their survivors have been becoming "broken toys", promoting the site as an area of \u200b\u200bmarginalization and neglect, in a "desert island" unconnected with the rest of the city without appropriate relationships.

performance limits derived from the condition of listed building, are keeping the brick walls, the restoration of all stone elements, the structural system and the distribution of voids.

plant Sketch
The type of program chosen requires the provision of a mezzanine, the organization of a space in basement with a crawl space, café, information and control exhibition spaces, targeting the upper floor entirely to exhibition and administrative service areas.

Model volume


Sketch of possible covers


interior sections and computer graphics

Section constructive
Sketch inside view

This Input wanted pictures to show you a summary of this type of academic work, in most cases, once completed and evaluated, are forgotten in some drawer at the university. Just as I encourage all those who have media like this blog, for posting, sharing with the rest of the people that at some point they may be interested

Thursday, November 25, 2010

In 5month Hiv Test Negetive

Guatdefak will Jaen! We leave "the terreta nostra"

Incredible but true. We just landed from Japan Weekend in Valencia and in less than two days, chan! The salon manga de Jaen appeared. It was a crazy "hey, that of Jaen as it is?" " because my parents that week will be in my house Baeza " train so hard for us "going to ask if there are non-commercial stands "..... AND IS ONE!!

So in two weeks we have to make stuffed animals, artwork for posters, books go to print, ship orders, make more brand-page fanzine printed advertising cards and more .... Catch Jaen and suitcases!!

So these weeks will be a frenzy, but with taste. What we want to viajecillo! The only regret is that we are not able to bring our particular Showman, Mr. TonyMan, because this weekend it is wrong to engage in frika.

Tony, we'll bring you something. Easy.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cervical Mucus Dry Before Peiod


Completed basic design and implementation of housing detached from dividing, we hope to start work in 2011 DRAFT

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What Causes Pressure On Bowel

The lords of the SAR, these great sages ...

cost If we take away the custom of counting in pesetas, come now imagine that some scholars as are the masters of the SAR, it seems that they are somewhat aburridillos and inattentive (I guess will postnatal depression) including Partridge dizzy new grammar rules (HORROR) and words that nobody understands that this is holy.

comment that is often frequently used words and fully accepted in our society, sooner or later appear in the dictionary ... but go.

already know the great controversy with the famous YE (the i Greek life), but is that gentlemen, the Z is not written with zeta, but with "c "ie" gallo pinto "(indeed, the Blogspot not seen as right yet.) Typing "Solo" without an accent: DO NOT WORRY! is now well. If you put this sentence: "10 or 15cm ..." not have to emphasize that "or" because they are clearly distinct from 0 ... computer, of course.

Anyway, what I find more gore (Gore is not accepted Hoygan!) Are these words than if they are accepted (and accordingly, I will include with your definition. Definition of a scholar of the SAR, of course)

Cultureta .

1. F. derogatory. coloq. cultural activity that does not reach an acceptable level.

2. com. derogatory. coloq. supposedly educated person. U. tc adj.

September .

( Del lat. september).

1. m. September.

Asynchronous .

( De well with No other particles).

1. adv. m. vulg. well.

Pinko , call .

1. adj. coloq. of more leftist political leanings.

miar .

( The meow).

1. in . p. us. maullar.

M ORF. conjugate. c. enviar .

oenegé .

1. F. ONG.

meloncete .

1. m. iron. smart little boy.


1. tr. Out of a limb or a body region of the median plane imaginary boundary between the body into two symmetrical parts.

2. tr. put an alleged alien creature: Grab somebody.

M ORF. U. m. in the passive voice .

3. tr. Such a person or a human creation: Raising a powerful attraction to someone. He managed to abduct readers with her novels.

cure-all .

1. m. coloq. medicine or remedy for any wrong. U. tc adj.

2. com. coloq. Person cure any disease.

Mayor .

1. adj. Put The person who is a candidate or probable candidate for mayor. U. tcs

spray .

( Del Press. spray).

1. m. aerosol (‖ container).

2. m. aerosol (liquid ‖).

graffiti , ra .

1. m. and f. Esp person who is dedicated to painting graffiti (‖ signs or drawings).>> YES! GRAFFITI GRAFFITI ARE NOT

and grinds me more personally:

muslamen .

1. m. coloq. Esp Thighs of a person, especially those of women.

There are actually some that I understand and share. Other than simply flip (not freak is ... tsc!)
And other truth I find that very strange that they were not in our beloved dictionary:

Bunuel, soba, outdated, abduct, anti-English, etc ....

Not everything will be Bethlehem

Written by Nariel

Sunday, November 21, 2010

How To Minimize Broken Capillaries

SMV: Chronicles of a Death Foretold

Here We, made a scarf. BUT ALL. Although there has been a lot of people the feeling is that it was better than the previous edition, but much lower than the first in which we participate.

try not to be cruel, but today was truly a tedium.

We arrived at the hall and all great: the truth is that the issue of accreditation this year has been much better, especially considering the rush to be had (and through no fault of those who have managed stands NO commercial) things have not gone so badly and was a detail have controlled people by name and ID. The PA has worked better than other times but not very well understood what was said by the reverberation of the place.

organize a cosplay photo workshop with the participation of Ruki-Chan as a model and Sinistralis Miriam, with whom we share our stand, as a photographer, and our member Nariel, who made the workshop speaker and entertainer. Not many people attended, but people who took it went really well.

We should not complain about sales, although we could, because the value has been greater because we had many assignments, so in that respect we are very happy. The location, just the truth, has not been bad, but we would have liked to be closer to that already stands as friends. But hey,

The feeling of Sunday was the worst sincerely, but stands for all commercial and non commercial: few people, any sales, little atmosphere, very cold, and no interest in what activities offered in the stands. That if the game stands were packed. We finished very saturated, perhaps because the space did not allow us dwell, or because in the case of the stands in our area were some distance from the tumult and the central area which was where most people had.

has given the impression that they had no activities or that the offer was very typical, very small except for some stands. Has noticed less interest in the offer and much more from the collection maybe ... Perhaps, like many people have commented that a single room per year, would for better organization, more time to renew and stands for a higher offer of activities, which is really what is missing.
also find that a great need for the promotion of Valencia, because there are great illustrators and manga artists (or comiqueros) it would be good to bring.

Anyway, soon fotillos. ^ ^

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Organ Donation Herpes

Blog News

Jump into English

Hi I have not updated the blog in a while, I got a day job, Actually 2 jobs, so i have less time, I'll resume regular updates in the blog but I'll Them move to saturday.

Thanks for the patience!.

Questions or suggestions? Drop an email to


News Blog


Hello I have not updated the blog lately, I got a regular job, actually two regular jobs, so I have less time. Blog updates will resume but will move al Sábado.

¡Gracias por la paciencia!

¿Preguntas o Sugerencias?

Envíen un email a

Bialetti Has Oxidised

What comes ... The Japan Weekend in Valencia!

A three-day run here: ending artwork, printing posters and books, stuffed animals and getting stuff done again. This year we will have old stock on offer to finish stock and to put new things, so make offers!!

We will bring some new stuff (not much that costs) of series that we know you love them.

On the other hand, we have the honor of sharing booth this year with our friend Sinis will bring us many things: cameos, hats and jewels exas hand> or < PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP FOR cosplayers AND SATURDAY EVENING (if nothing happens), we take that we have to Sinis who is a photographer and other members of Guatdefak mola we roll. Sign in the booth.

You will also have information on our new project: a fanzine we want edited for the next Japan Weekend in Valencia. If you want to participate you only have to visit.

I hope!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Publix Roast Beef Sub Nutrition

Spanish ...

Click on image to enlarge.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Can Herpes Sores Have Growing Out Of Them?

Are you going to lose?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Swollen Gums 1 Week After Extraction

kittens and Perret 1

I want to share with all who follow in the blog (despite what we have left it late), a collection of jets that I love videos of animals doing Cosic such as talking and so on. A little spam, come to entertain a while.

As an American would say, "Sooooo CUTE!"

This is the nicest dog xD, but their owners too often interpret their cries xD ( but this video really is XD milk).

The bulldog fan of Batman. EPIC.

Cuteness Death:

Birds geeks:

jam program "Walk on the Wild Side" of the BBC. program is a crazy stunts wildlife documentaries. Chachi. The videos are in English without subtitles, which sometimes does not understand what they say (Unless you are to pro in English), but hey, it momentazo. A small collection:


vengaa Come! Suffer! XD

cats. All crazy.


The bird rapist:

The Crack:

Without words

Poblete ..

> or <

Finally, Talking Animals:

and gifts, a video my dog:

------------- And here ends the collection! Know any more? compartidlo! xDD.

Denise Milani In Black Dress

Video sugarcane: "how your money works"

semos Since we are designers and so cool, here is a contribution to stick a video that is visually cock. Here's the link

How Your Money Works from MUSCLEBEAVER on Vimeo .