Monday, August 2, 2010

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Camera Work

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I recently bought a book called Camera Work, which is a compilation of the magazine with the same name edited by Alfred Stieglitz.

With all the atention I'd been giving to tone in my illustrations, I think a good black & white photography book helps a lot, it really emphazises some of the things that I'm looking to do, and the photographies has this really mysterious feel to it, I don't know how to describe it really, it seems from another age.

If you're looking to buy a photography book I really recommend this one, it was Re edited by Taschen on Their 25th aniversary and it has a good price, the only bad thing is That the size is small and I do not want my books just to sit on the shelves, I Gave this one a really good look and analize it, so the spine is Already a little worn out.

By the way, I'm open to recommendations if Anyone knows about a good photography book.

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Camera Work

recently bought a book called Camera Work is a compilation of the magazine with the same name edited by Alfred Stieglitz.

With all the attention I've been giving to the tones in my illustrations, I think a good book of black and white photography helps a lot, it really highlights some of the things I'm trying to do, and pictures have a strange feeling mystery, it is difficult to describe, are like a photograph of another era.

If you are looking to buy a photography book I highly recommend it, was re-published by Taschen in its 25 anniversary and it's cheap, the only bad thing is that it is a bit small, and because I just like to leave books adorning the shelves I have given a fairly long read, and back and looks a bit worn.

By the way, if you know good books on photography, I am looking for recommendations.

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