Saturday, July 31, 2010

Where Cani Buy Xoftspy

Illustration - Gotta Have a Hook

So here's my illustration for Art Order's Gotta Have a Hook Challenge , I remove liked the result.

It Was interesting seeing the process of a DnD image, it Helps a lot to do the thumbnails and sketches, I'll try to work with a lot of thumbnails from now, as They Say, "think twice, draw once".

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Illustration - Gotta Have a Hook

Here is my illustration for the challenge of Art Order 'Gotta Have a Hook', I really liked the result.

was also interesting to see the process of an image of D & D, it helps make the thumbnails (small sketches and very fast) and more finished drawings, try to work more thumbnails from now on, as they say "Think twice, draw one."

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Difference Between Inverted Bob And Graduated Bob

ArtRage Tutorials Archive

To Make It Easier To Find Them, this blog post Will Be updated with all the ArtRage tutorials I make.

ArtRage Tutorial - Auto Clean

ArtRage Tutorial - Dry
ArtRage Tutorial - Loading

ArtRage Tutorial - Pressure

ArtRage Tutorial - Thinners

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Archive ArtRage Tutorials

To make it easier to find the tutorials, from now on will be filed in this post, I'll be updating regularly.

ArtRage Tutorial - Auto Clean

ArtRage Tutorial - Dry
ArtRage Tutorial - Loading

ArtRage Tutorial - Pressure

ArtRage Tutorial - Thinners

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Maytag Pye2300ayw Sale

ArtRage Tutorial – Auto Clean

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The auto clean option is very fun and useful if you know how to apply it, although to tell the truth I don't use it that much, I'll start paying more attention to it.

When we open ArtRage auto clean is selected in the oils dialog by default, this means that each time we lift the brush (or well, the stylus) it's cleaned automatically and we acn apply clean brush strokes with the color we selected.

However, without auto clean, the brush isn't cleaned when we lift it off the canvas, so each time we apply it, it takes a bit of the color that's already been painted, gradually mixing the 'pigments'. This is obviously very useful to blend colors. If we want to clean the brush, all we have to do is click on the glass located near the bottom-right corner of the screen, the water on the glass also gets dirty with each time we clean the brush on it.

In the first part of the image auto clean is off, we can see how the color is blended with each stroke applied, once the color has vanished, I cleaned the brush and applied a second series of brush strokes, although you can't tell that much, but you can see were the brush initially touched the canvas in the second 'blue' stain, it has a much richer color.

However with auto clean on, each stroke we apply has the original color, there's no need to clean the brush, and as you can see, the second stain doesn't have much of a difference with the first one, they both have a pretty strong blue.

Even with auto clean off, when you select a new color the brush is cleaned automatically, I guess since we don't want to stain our pallete with the brush, the program assumes that we cleaned everything real nice, that's good thinking.

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ArtRage Tutorial - Auto Clean

self clean option is very fun and useful if it deals well, though in truth I did not take care enough, I'm starting to put a little more attention.

By default, when we clean car ArtRage is selected in the settings of the oils, this means that every time we lift the brush (or good, the stylus) that is self cleaning and can apply strokes to the pure color is selected.

However with the self clean option deselected, the brush not clean when I wake up, so every time you apply it over another color also is taking a little of this, adding the 'pigment'. Obviously this is very useful for mixing colored uniforms. If you want to clean the brush all we have to do is click on the glass of water located near the lower right corner, the glass also messes with the color that we occupy.

In the first part of the picture above the auto clean option is disabled, we can see how to apply this color will increasingly mimicking the yellow one already laid, once the color and has faded much cleaned the brush and applied A second series of strokes, although there is little, is hard to see where the brush initially rested on the canvas in the second blue spot, that part is a much purer color.

Instead Auto clean enabled, each brushstroke that we apply will be the original color, no need to clean the glass and as you can see, the second spot is similar to the first well, with a very pure color.

clean off even with auto select a new color to the brush that automatically cleans yes, I suppose that as artists we do not want to tarnish your previous color palette so the program assumes that would clean everything very well.

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Scab On Inside Of Nostril Pierced

12th Architecture Biennale in Venice

The National Society for Foreign Cultural Action echoes in its website edition of this year's Venice Biennale, and particularly the English architects highlighting the presence of Antón García-Abril & Ensemble Studio.

To read click: Mostra Internazionale di Architettura .
The program

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Halloween Costumeswith Crutches


Onda Cero "Julia en la Onda", Arturo Tellez interviewed Anton Garcia Abril.

Listen to the interview by clicking on the microphone integrated.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Diffusion And Osmosis Ap Lab Report

The Circle of the Wilted Rose - Chapter 7

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Two updates in two days, I'm on a roll.

The new chapter of The Circle of the Wilted Rose is up, you can read it on Luf's website:

Chapter Seven - To Balthazar: Transformation

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The Circle of the Wilted Rose - Chapter 7

Two updates in two days, I'm on a roll.

The new chapter of The Circle of the Wilted Rose is already on the website Luf:

Chapter Seven-A Baltazar: Transformation

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Metal Taste Drinking Fountain

Heather Hudson, Preaching About Tone

Hi there again I'm late for my weekly posting, sorry About That, But I've been busy with tons of work.

I was thinking about writing about tone and how to use it, but since the subject has been treated to death, I'll just leave a link to Heather Hudson's blog who explains the subject pretty nicely, it's been very helpful.

So far she's written 2 out of 3 posts, I'm waiting for the third one.

Here are the links:

Preaching About Tone #1

Preaching About Tone #2

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Heather Hudson, Predicando Sobre el Tono

Hello Again

'm a little late for my weekly post, I apologize for that, but I've been pretty busy with work.

was thinking of writing about the tone and how to use it, but as the subject has been discussed to death I think that just leave some links to the blog of Heather Hudson explains the issue quite understandably, has been very useful for me . ç
So far he has written March 2 posts, I'm hoping the latter.

These are the links (they are in English): Preaching About

Tone # 1

Preaching Tone # 2 About

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Alberta Dental Services Fee Guide 2010


new pictures have been hung in the placement of the first bridge of the house of the reader in our Flickr group .

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Animal Kennel Insurance


today placed the first of the eleven bridges that make up the reading room of the new House of Lector in the slaughterhouse of Madrid.

Placing the bridge and the following has been done through a mechanism that supports rail tires introducing the beam of 24 meters and 52 tons for the gaps of the ship where rests once placed.

This video shows the entire process.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Ikea Benno Tv Stand How To Mount Tv

The architect Juan Roldán begins a series of articles in architecture in the newspaper "La Gaceta" analyzing "The Nose", one of the latest draft Antón García-Abril & Ensamble Studio.

If you want to see more information about this work can see it in our Youtube channel

Thursday, July 15, 2010

How To Decorate A Blank Cd

ArtRage Tutorial – Insta Dry

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Continuing with the characteristics of the oils in ArtRage we have the Insta Dry option.

As it's name indicates, insta dry allows to instantly dry the painting as soon as we place it on the canvas, because of this it's impossible to mix colors while the insta dry ticket is selected. Because of this the option is pretty useful to lay plain colors in the beggining layers and eliminate the white of the canvas.

The other thing about insta dry is that it doesn't allow changes in the brush pressure either, the percentage you have selected is what'll come out of the bristles, so if you have a very high pressure selected the impasto will be really noticeable. Here are some images.

You can see how the appearance of the painting changes with the different options.

When you have insta dry activated and try to paint over an impasto image with a lower pressure the program will respect the highest impasto, to 'make holes' in the painting we have to unselect insta dry.

You can clearly see the difference of levels in the image, you can create really interesting textures this way.

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ArtRage Tutorial - Dry Urges Continuing

with the characteristics of the oils in ArtRage, we have the option Insta Dry.

As its name implies, dry urges allows digital paint we put on the canvas to dry immediately, because it is impossible to mix colors while the dry ticket calls is activated, making it a good option to put spot colors in the picture, as when working in the first layers and you want to delete the blank canvas.

Another particularity of dry urges, is that does not allow changes in the pressure of the brush either, the percentage that have selected will be what will emerge from the bristles, so if you have selected a very high pressure, the impasto that appears in the painting is really noticeable. Here are some pictures.

can see how it changes the look of painting with different options.

If the calls have turned dry paint with the lowest pressure in an area with much impasto impasto tend to respect the highest, to "poke holes" in the paint have to remove the option called dry.

can clearly see the difference entre niveles en la imagen, esto puede resultar realmente útil para crear texturas.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chinese Wooden Riverboet


Anton Garcia Abril and Deborah Mesa, will be the guardians of the C & CI International Design Master Class in ZA 2010


Poptropica Database Occured


International Award Iakov Chernikhov Foundation (ICIF) has announced the 3rd edition of the award this year based on "CHALLENGE OF THE TIME" that Ensemble Studio has been nominated to participate.

More information:

Break In Lacrosse Pads


is getting closer as she put the finishing touches for the opening of La Biennale di Venezia Opening its doors on August 29.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Australian Gold Almost Famous

Types of Underpainting

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Lately I've realized how little I know about the theory of painting, I learned some of it in the university, but since I studied design instead of art, there are some things that eluded my radar, one of those things is the types of underpaintings.

Well, the underpainting is the initial layer done to erase the white of the canvas and hint the way the painting will look, there are many ways of doing it, the most known form is used to show the tones of the piece, done this way the painting is almost monochromatic at this stage. However, some artists such as Jan van Eyck worked with more colorful underpaintings, to also start showing the colors of the piece.

Those who have followed this blog are already familiar with grisaille, but that's just one style of many ways to work with an underpainting:

Grisaille: Maybe the most known tecnique, the first layer of painting is done in grayscale to make a complete tonal piece.

Verdaccio: Is a mix of black, white and yellow that was used in Italy. It's used in portraits since it enhances skin tones.

Blue Underpainting: Utilized to paint landscapes, though it can be used for other purposes.

There are many other ways to do an underpainting, maybe as many as there are colors, it's well known that Titian used redish colors, other painters use complementary colors to make the final piece vibrate, and finally there are those who use very similar colors to the ones they'll have in the final illustration.

I think there's no right or wrong way to work with an underpainting, the colors may depend on the mood or scheme you want to apply, though the mentioned methods are the more accepted ones.

I'll give it a shot again soon, avoiding grisaille this time.

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underpainting Lately I've noticed how little is really about the theory of painting, but something I learned in college courses, studying design and art not escaped my radar, one of them are the types of underpainting (which could be translated as 'bottom paint' as it is the first layer of paint, but I think it sounds weird, so I will have to endure 'underpainting' for now).

Well, the underpainting is initial painting is done to remove the white of the canvas and start painting will show how there are different ways to do this, the most familiar form is used serves to enhance the tone of the piece, in these cases is so monochromatic or almost monochromatic. However, other artists such as Jan van Eyck worked with underpaintings more colorful, to also begin to show the colors of the painting.

Those who have followed this blog already know the grisaille, however this is just one of several ways to do the underpainting:

Grisaille: One of the most well-known techniques, the first layer of paint is on a scale to gray a complete tonal painting.

verdaccio: is the mixture of black, white and yellow that was used in Italy. It is widely used for portraits because it produces rich colors in the skin.

underpainting Blue: is used for landscape paintings, but obviously can be used for other purposes.

There are many other ways to make underpaintings, perhaps as many as there are colors, we know that Titian used russets, other painters prefer to use complementary colors for your artwork with colors that vibrate, and finally there are those who use similar colors to those will in the final painting.

I think there is a right way or wrong way to work a underpainting, the colors may depend on the feeling or the scheme you want to apply, even if the above methods are the most accepted.

try to work with again underpainting, grisaille avoiding this time.

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Frees Stream Kates Playground Uncensored


The newspaper El Pais, in the edition of 05 July, dedicates its section "If the buildings speak ..." Hemeroscopium the House.

To view the full press release click here